This research conducted in BAPEDAL aceh, the purpose of this research is to figure out that the aplication of accountability report and work institution of government has done well.
The result of data collection is got through library and field research. Library research is done by using some literature that it has relation with the research topic. While field research is the way to collect the data that it also has relation with problem discussion.
Generally, the applying of primary job and bapedal function in Aceh has applied well. The strategic of target decision in 2010 has succed to goal by the level of percentation result average 98,53%.
The arrangement of aplication LAKIP in BAPEDAL Aceh in 2010 based on Inpres No.7 in 1999 and then it is arranged in ministry country role of efficiency state apparatus and bureaucracy of reformation no. 2009 in 2010 about guidelines of arrangement for work and accountability report of institution government that it is the basic of arranging and conveying LAKIP government.
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